Friday, September 19, 2008

Technology and Non Technology Materials

Undeniable that nowadays we are exploded with technologies. It has been proven that technologies has helped educators in their teaching and learning process. For example, Microsoft Office allows teachers to develop various teaching aids such as e-book,posters, pamphlets, brochures and so on. All these materials are really helping teachers in making the teaching and learning process interesting and effective. However, in my point of view, non technology materials such as display sheet, manila cards, flash cards and so on are still needed by teachers. This is because, we have to bare in our mind that we can plan but in reality sometimes it can be different from what we have planned. So non technology materials can be as a back up for teachers. Teachers should not depend 100 percent on technology materials only. Sometimes, the traditional one can touch human hearts.
Due to this matter, for the assignment 3, we have to develop four lesson plans and each lesson plan need to have technology and non technology materials. Right now, i'm not started yet and still do not have any idea as all of us are overloaded with other assignments. Whatever it is we should not complain as this is university life is all about. Complaining doesn't solve anything. We should face it and try to give the best shot.

Monday, September 8, 2008

9th September 2008

Today, Pn. Foziah have explained the difference between task and asignment that i think it have made everyone clear including me. Pn. Foziah also have made us very clear about the content of our portfolio and the percantage of all the assignments. I think i have to start to check back all my works that i have done so that by the end of the course, everything will be in the correct order. Besides the assignment, in today's class we also have group presentation. Each group presents the topic that we have discussed last week. All in all, i feel that today's class is more relax and organized.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week Eight

Today, me and my pair have submitted our E-Book. Along the process of making the E-Book, we do not really face any problem as we are quite familiar with Microsoft Power Point.
Pn. Foziah do not enter to our class today and we have received a new task that is given and explained by Izyan. Thanks to her!!. At first, it was quite blur what we are supposed to do but with her explanation, we finally get the point. Each of our group members need to take one skill and i have chosen reading skill. I do not have any idea yet but whatever it is i will try. I suggest that before we are given the task, we should be shown some examples. From the examples, all of us will clear view what we are supposed to do and this can avoid misinterpretation and confusion. For the E-Book, Pn Foziah had shown examples of E-Book that have been done by other people and all of us manage to do it without so much confusion. Therefore, i suggest that it would be better for the following task and assignment Pn Foziah shows us the ready made examples so that we can understand the instructions better.