Saturday, October 18, 2008


What i like about blogging?
Blogging give me opportunity to express my ideas, reflection, my feeling and dissatisfaction throughout this course. I'm an introvert person. So, blogging is the most perfect way for me to show my true colours.

What i do not like about blogging?
There are ethics that should be considered before posting it in the blog. What we write might cause misunderstanding and someone might get hurt.Besides, sometimes it hard to find suitable words that can express the main ideas.

What have i gained from blogging?
Blogging had helped me improve my language skills as every week i have to produce language in order to write blog. Besides, reflections through blogging encouraged me to think critical on every week lessons. Lastly, through blogging, other people can give their comments on my reflections. From there, we can exchange ideas and knowledge.

What i like about the course?
This course has given me exposure on the technology that can be used in the classroom. I have learnt on how to search and manipulate resources using technology. Overall, i have gained some knowledge through this course.

What they do not like about the course?
This course is all about preparing and how to use resources in ESL primary classroom but what i have learnt that it more focusing on technology resources and materials. For me, traditional resources are more practically important. Besides, this course required us to do lots of work compared to other courses. Due to the time constraint, i'm not really satisfied with the most of the tasks and assignment that i have done.

What i have learnt from this course?
Throughout this course i have learnt photo editing, audio editing, video editing, how to manipulate videos and other resources, how to develop one week lesson plans. All of these gave me opportunity to experiment with technology.

What i do not expect but have learnt in this course?
I do not expect that most of the resources are technologically based. At first, i taught i will learn how to come out with useful and effective teaching resources both traditional and technology based.

What i expect but have not learnt from the course?
I expect to learn on how to do animations,wallpapers and so on but it was quite regretful as we are not shown on how to do those things.

If i can change anything about the course, what it is?
I wish this course did not require me to do a lot of tasks and assignment at the same time. The instructions should be more clear so that all of us do not face so many confusions.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Last Words...

Week 14 will be coming soon. It is time for all of us to forget about all the assignments and all the tasks. It is time to focus on exam..Talking about that, it makes feel very worried as i still can not find the complete notes of what i have learnt throughout this semester. I only managed to find the week 1 and 5 notes. Where are the others?????Somebody please help me..As the last words for Pn.Foziah, thank you for everything. I admit that you have given us experiences that hard to be found anywhere else. I would like to express my apology to you if there are words that have hurt you and if my work are not at the level of your expectations. The moments in the resources class are hard to be forgotten. To all my dear friends, good luck for the exam..Looking forward to see you guys next semester with new spirit..Love you all...

The Portfolio...

Now, it is time for all of us to make sure that we all have the complete set of our tasks. With the guidelines on what should we put in the portfolio, i can check back all my work and how to organize it accordingly. There are some parts of the tasks that are missing and completed. All of these work have to be done earlier as i do not want to face any problem later such as no ink and no papers. Hopefully, it can be completed smoothly.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Children's software

There are lots of children's software that can be found in stores. Besides, MOE also have produced their own children's software to be used in the classroom. Children's software are designed as a tool to help teachers in imparting knowledge and it also can be as a reinforcement for the pupils. The colourful design with animated pictures make children interested to try the software. Some of the software that Pn. Foziah have given us try are in a form of games. By playing the games, children will learn indirectly.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today is the day which we have to submit our assignment 3. After many of us struggling and sacrifice their sleep, at last the day has come. It was really tough to finish this assignment as before this we only have to develop one lesson plan in one semester but this time 4 lesson plans in just 2 weeks. So imagine the hard time that have been through in order to complete the assignment. Whatever it is, we manage to finish and submit it on time. For my part, i feel not really satisfied with my work due to time constraint but what i can do is just hoping that it will be fine and Pn Foziah appreciate what i have done.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Technology and Non Technology Materials

Undeniable that nowadays we are exploded with technologies. It has been proven that technologies has helped educators in their teaching and learning process. For example, Microsoft Office allows teachers to develop various teaching aids such as e-book,posters, pamphlets, brochures and so on. All these materials are really helping teachers in making the teaching and learning process interesting and effective. However, in my point of view, non technology materials such as display sheet, manila cards, flash cards and so on are still needed by teachers. This is because, we have to bare in our mind that we can plan but in reality sometimes it can be different from what we have planned. So non technology materials can be as a back up for teachers. Teachers should not depend 100 percent on technology materials only. Sometimes, the traditional one can touch human hearts.
Due to this matter, for the assignment 3, we have to develop four lesson plans and each lesson plan need to have technology and non technology materials. Right now, i'm not started yet and still do not have any idea as all of us are overloaded with other assignments. Whatever it is we should not complain as this is university life is all about. Complaining doesn't solve anything. We should face it and try to give the best shot.

Monday, September 8, 2008

9th September 2008

Today, Pn. Foziah have explained the difference between task and asignment that i think it have made everyone clear including me. Pn. Foziah also have made us very clear about the content of our portfolio and the percantage of all the assignments. I think i have to start to check back all my works that i have done so that by the end of the course, everything will be in the correct order. Besides the assignment, in today's class we also have group presentation. Each group presents the topic that we have discussed last week. All in all, i feel that today's class is more relax and organized.